Yep. This old lady noticed that right away. Especially when they're putting up Senators who are needed to keep the Democratic hold in the Senate or who are...struggling to win their own state.

I've challenged a number of my fellow white people who promote the Biden Replacement Theory and asked them to give me a reason for overlooking Harris that isn't a.) racist or b.) sexist. So far, all I've gotten in return is "people don't like her" and when I push as to why that is, the result is a lot of spluttering and "you're calling me names!"

Telling. Very telling.

Misgynoir. Pure and simple.

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Can Black women save our nation one more time? Please?

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We're going to do our part. Actually we'll do more than our part, as we always do.

But what we really need is for you white women to stop asking us to save you and instead, go get your sisters, talk some sense into them, and then drag them over the finish line.

Because we're exhausted and, frankly, sick and tired of having to do all the work - especially given how y'all keep treating us and our Vice President.

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Jul 3Liked by Stephanie Jones

Workinig on it!!

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Agreed, Harris is the most qualified.

But I've also never seen a smear campaign against someone be as successful as it's been against Harris, to the point where even members of her own party are starting to believe it (Swalwell comes close, as does Hillary).

It is a masterclass in disinformation and why it works, and how difficult it is to counter it.

Because of this, I just don't know if Harris can win despite being by far the most qualified.

Because as we learned with Hillary, one of the most qualified candidates in history, being qualified isn't enough.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

You don't deal with misinformation by ducking it. You push through it.

Black women always have been and always will be for the near future maligned, smeared and attacked. Telling us to stand aside and let white men step in as a result is not the answer

The answer is for our allies to stand with us and help us fight back.

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Jul 2Liked by Stephanie Jones

EXACTLY. The Rs push through, even when they are up against the truth.

I still recall a story I heard about Madonna years ago, when she completely destroyed a tabloid take down of her before it even got started. Some tabloid reporter found nude photos of her from her before-fame time, and on camera, confronted her about it. Her response was a classic. She said "So?". SHE JUST GAVE NO SHITS AT ALL.

And that's how we have to start behaving when we're attacked.

And we HAVE to knock off this jackal, feeding frenzy, eating-our-own behavior over minor things. It's gross and makes us look weak and spineless.

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VP Harris was the states-person who performed the best on debate night IMHO. She calmed the nation after the shit 💩 show. OUR Veep is badass!

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Yes! To be clear, I am an older, white woman, but I have been screaming THIS since this nonsense began! This entire manufactured "crisis" and those who have fallen for it, are giving a huge middle finger to black voters. Not only is that sick, it's down right stupid. Black voters went to the polls in droves in 2020 to make their choices clear. Why aren't these white pundits and as you say, fair weather Democrats listening to their voices now? It blows my mind! #bidenharris24

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Don't get me wrong I LOVE Michelle Obama but why is it so many people want to make her President when she's never held political office and snub Kamala Harris when she's been a "heart beat" away from being President? 🤔

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No one is seriously proposing Michelle Obama. And no one in their right mind can seriously believe Biden needs to step down. But I truly wish all my black, white and brown sisters would step back from making this an identity issue and recognize that Kamala Harris is simply is not a leader and is not popular and she’s the only one who has the right and responsibility to ask Biden to withdraw her name in favor of a more electable woman or man of any color who can inspire more confidence. And this must happen at or before the Democratic convention.

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Your "Black, white, and brown sisters" are not going to step back as long as some people buy into and then spread vicious, racist smears about Kamala Harris.

Claims that she is "not a leader" and "isn't popular" are exactly the kind of baseless criticisms thrown at Black women who occupy spaces previously owned exclusively by white men when they can't come up with any actual problem or deficit she has.

We recognize those dog whistles and aren't going to stand by quietly when they are thrown at our first Black female vice president.

Even if you don't recognize them for what they are, we do and we are aren't going to stand for it

So, please don't lecture us about how we should respond. We are responding exactly as we should.

I don't know you and have no reason to think you personally harbor any racial bias. However, you are repeating, perhaps unwittingly, smears that are indeed rooted in racism and misogynoir.

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I truly regret that you perceive my remarks as smacking of anything remotely like some hidden racial bias. I meant every word as said as clearly as I tried to say with raising the hackles of people who insist on ONLY seeing discomfort with Kamala Harris as candidate for VP AT THIS TIME through your own lens of color. I sincerely believe she lacks the leadership skills and temperament we're looking for in a potential candidate for President in 2028. If she were lily white and a man I would say the same thing. I don't know you either, but having read the post to which I was sincerely responding I thought i like to. This isn't kind of response I would have expected from someone with your political wisdom as I perceived it. I'll just move on, and be grateful for my first experience in Substack.

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"Lacks leadership skills and temperament" ...

These are the kind of criticisms based on vagueries that regularly leveled against Black women when their actual performance can't be faulted. We are always accused of not having the right "temperament," lacking "leadership skills," being either "confrontational and combative" or "weak," failing to "instill confidence," etc.

I did not accuse.you of having racial bias, in fact I specifically said I was NOT making such an accusation (although if you don't have any racial bias, congratulations on being the only person in America who doesn't). I said you are repeating, perhaps unwittingly, accusations that are rooted in racism and misogynoir.

It's unfortunate that, rather than do any self-reflection, you are being so defensive. But I strongly suggest that, even if you don't want to engage here, you still do some thinking on your own and also learn more about implicit bias.


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