Jul 12Liked by Stephanie Jones

Media coverage of Biden is feeling very 2016 “But her e-mails”.

The time to have this conversation about Biden running for a 2nd term was 2022/early 2023. It’s not like nobody knew the man was going to be 81 running for a second term. Nothing is suddenly new or super urgent about his age now.

And that press conference last night was perfectly fine- Biden clearly has all of his mental faculties and was completely knowledgeable about the facts he was drawing upon to answer some very good questions.

It was a very NORMAL conversation between Biden and reporters. I didn’t even notice the “Vice President Trump” slip of the tongue, because I knew what he meant and my brain immediately inserted “Harris” for Trump.

He validated Harris as being perfectly capable of stepping in to be POTUS- because she is.

And he noted something that I think is absolutely correct and gets to your “moving the goal post” point- when he was being pressed about taking a neurological exam and cognitive test, Biden noted (paraphrasing here) “even if I did- people wouldn’t be satisfied. Oh, you only did one?-you need to do more. You only had one doctor? We need more than one…”. He’s right about that.

Last night confirmed for me the man is fine. He’s old, frail, but has all his faculties. And what he lacks in youthful energy he makes up for in perspective and experience.

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Hear hear!

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Say it LOUDER for those in the back!!! Ridin' with BidenHarris2024!!!

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Yes! I completely agree.

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Anyone having doubts about his fitness or frailty should have asked him about the regular road bicycle rides he and Dr. Jill Biden take on their 10-speeds whenever they can, Secret Service in tow. BTW, my Dad was also a regular rider and hung up his wheels when he was 80. He has the same type of lean physique my Dad had, with powerful muscular legs. And they both wear protective helmets, gloves and shoes meant for pedaling.

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I believe that the "Vice-President Trump" slip may have come from an unsubstantiated promise that V. Putin may* have made to Mr. Trump: if Trump turns over the U.S. to Putin following a November win, Putin will make Trump Russia's vice-president. On the other hand, all Russians I've questioned about this insist that Russia Has no vice-president. No need, they say, as Putin will rule forever.


(($; -)}™


*"Putin may," but most-certainly did not

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"But her emails"? What about "But his endless cognitive decline tests"?

I'm beginning to think that Russian trolls or GOP pro-Putin operatives are behind all this blatant misinformation.

[DISCLOSURE: Posting to a bunch of people who say Biden should step down, I asked if any of them were Russian bots or trolls. Every one of them said, "Нет." When I then asked if any of them had heard a rumor that Putin has promised Mr. Trump the Russian Vice-Presidency if Trump can deliver the U.S. to Putin in November, most said, "Нет." Several said, "Мы вообще не верим, что у лидера Путина есть вице-президент, поскольку лидер будет править вечно." Why would any of these good people on that side lie?]

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Jul 12Liked by Stephanie Jones

Thanks, Stephanie. This is so good. The mendacity of the media clearly knows no bounds, and we all have to call them out for it and make sure that reality breaks through the damaging fictional narratives that the media is trying to construct.

I'm following your example by also writing about what I'm seeing as a concerned American voter. Here's an essay I finished last night to also highlight the difference between the manufactured media circus and what we really need to focus on - stopping Project 2025 and supporting the best darn White House team in decades, certainly in my lifetime to be sure. Substance matters!


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This is excellent! Thanks for sharing it!

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Jul 12Liked by Stephanie Jones


I cackled. Thank you. And fwiw I was just on a different chat with someone also with their ear to the ground saying the same thing: these sources are the dog walker and the copy machine clerk.

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Jul 12Liked by Stephanie Jones

Spot on as always, Stephanie. I am sickened at this never-ending media frat boy hazing ritual.

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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

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The press has adopted Trump's basic definition of evidence: "People say...." But it goes on to say that nobody knows who the people are but we can use a word that describes whoever they are (Biden insider, close aide, janitor who heard something while unlocking the broom closet) and that means they are "people" who we CAN believe.

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Jul 12Liked by Stephanie Jones

Excellent piece, thank you!

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Jul 16Liked by Stephanie Jones

Thank you so much for writing this incredibly cathartic post! I've been screaming inside (and sometimes outside) for years about MSM's BS. But really, et tu, Morning Joe?? Enough!! You nailed it, and I really appreciate and needed that today.

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Keep up the excellent writing. Are you on Threads?

I read Dana Millbank's opinion piece in WaPo today. He said:"At the moment, it’s difficult to see the national discussion shifting back to where it should be: on Trump’s fitness for office."

I emailed him this:

It will shift back to trump's crimes and fitness for office if the media shifts it back. This opinion piece is somewhat of a lukewarm start. The media needs to focus on project 2025 and the disasters it would create, and on trump's clear unsuitability for office. Do daily articles on Biden's accomplishments, of which there are many.

The media needs to stop with the ageism against Biden and stop focusing on gaffes that are almost certainly the result of his speech processing disability, which is a heck of a lot more complicated than stuttering.

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Dana Milbank is aces.

I wonder if all our angst gives various media outlets the impetus they need to keep this lame topic alive. Meanwhile, all our eyes on anything we can do to shift the subject to Mr. Trump's unfitness.

I'm mostly hopeful that #MeinKampf2025 doesn't augur the end of our democracy.


(($; -)}™


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I would vote for Joe if he was a head in a jar, and that’s all I hear from others.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

So right about this. Biden can never do enough or more to satisfy the main press. Every little slip is magnified, no matter how his overall performance is or was. Keep up your good work and governance Harris/Biden team and lets democracy win. Thats up to us.

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Just wondering how the geniuses who want Biden to step down plan to line up a nominee by August 7th. The Dems have to have their virtual roll call vote by then for the Dems to be on the Ohio ballot.

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🥺 WHY is the liberal media doing this, too?! I don’t understand. Them & some democrats are running around like a chicken with their head cut off and it's going to be detrimental. The Democrats are dividing their own party like the Republicans did. If Biden doesn't drop out, which he won't, think of all the would be Biden viters who are now freaked out about Biden's abilities. This is going to cause us to lose - they're being persuaded to think that a felon dictator is better than an old man that stutters.

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A. The media ain’t liberal. They’re out for clicks and scoops across the board (except for independent journalists and pro-democracy news). Biden will never satisfy the press. But I think that anyone who sees the Trump danger will vote for him. That is, everyone except the cult. But he-or Harris - need to start on offense with a good case for the next term. And finish the job isn’t enough. Reform and Renew? Girls not guns? Freedom Over Fascism? More creative minds than mine need to get on that and pull the campaign together.

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I agree! Re: liberal media, I was referring to the cable news stations like MSNBC. They're doing the same thing.

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"Why"? I believe we're all so terrified of a Trump win, we believe the polls and think that something, anything, must be better. No consensus on what it is, though. And if it were to be a new ticket headed by VP Harris, I don't see how that's a great advantage over Biden-Harris. Even Pres. Biden spoke to Harris's strength on the ticket in this regard. I can only believe that it is Liberal-style fear that's got us all so riled up. Me, though? I don't see how Biden-Harris can possibly lose.

But all the better when all the pearl-clutchers finally shut up and get onboard.

Me? I ordered my Biden-Harris 2024 yard signs last night. Today, I posted another camptaign donation.


(($; -)}™


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