Jul 6Liked by Stephanie Jones

Thanks. Just looked at the video with your father's response. What struck me is the question he was responding to from Senator Brownback, basically defending Roberts by quoting him on his dedication to the rule of law and asking if that's the case, shouldn't they give him the benefit of the doubt that he will always make decisions based of the rule of law.

Well, I believe the Voting Rights Act would like to reclaim its time, lol!!! What I find frustrating is not so much the gaslighting, but the myopia.

I mean come on!! If it quacks like a duck, don't respond with "are you absolutely sure it's not a peacock?"

Anyway, it is quite interesting now with the passage of time to look back and see the beginnings of how we got to our current circumstances. Like your father, my father, a minister, was heavily involved in the civil rights movement. I'm certain when he died in the '80s, he also thought these laws were settled law. He'd be appalled at how much we've moved backward since then.

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Jul 12Liked by Stephanie Jones

The Roberts Court has been exercising a slow-moving coup, grabbing power for the judiciary, and setting up the office of POTUS to be able to implement the Heritage Foundation Project 2025 plan.

Leonard Leo, and the Federalist Society, and the anti-American billionaires who finance it, have been engineering wielding power through the judiciary for 40 years. While “conservatives” in the past have bitterly accused the judiciary of being comprised of “activist judges legislating from the bench”, they have set about to do exactly that themselves. Mitch McConnell’s abuse of the filibuster, has ensured that the Senate is broken, incapable of actually functioning as a legislative body. At the same time McConnell made his primary focus appointing Federalist Society judges to the bench and to the SCOTUS. The net effect has been to shut down the function of the legislative branch from actually passing laws, and empowering Federalist Society judges to legislate from the bench using litigation carefully crafted by right-wing political action groups. The judiciary has been captured by right-wing extremists.

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Thank you.

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I just watched that video and it refreshed my memory of that time. And all the protections we no longer have since Roberts was seated. Your father was correct and on target. Smugness, privilege, rudenss and condescension are only the beginning.

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